Build your MUSCLE the RIGHT WAY !!!

Today let us learn one more crucial aspect associated with Building Muscles – As I mentioned earlier, there is more to the simple connect between Protein & Muscles – and here comes the need to know about the Branched-chain amino acids BCAA.

Continue reading Build your MUSCLE the RIGHT WAY !!!


Last week we learnt about the Protein Requirements of each age group and how this requirement might, sometimes call for a CHANGE with respect to parameters like Growth, Activity Levels, Pregnancy, lactation, the need to build muscle, additional supply of Proteins, old age, injury & Surgery…Today let us contemplate on yet another key fact associated with Proteins.

Continue reading THINK TWICE !!!

Protein Package

In today’s article, we will be learning about the Concept of Protein Packages…If this is your FIRST TIME on our Blog, my humble request is to kindly refer to the previous articles, as this is an ongoing series on HEALTH…and many vital facts have been discussed in the previous articles…Getting on with Today’s Health Secret…

Continue reading Protein Package

Know your Millets !!!

Today, we delve into the Mysterious world of Millets once again – This time, we get to know them with respect to SPECIFIC BENEFITS they contribute and how wondrous it gets, when we are willing to experiment with FOOD.

Continue reading Know your Millets !!!

Millets are Miraculous !!!

Today we will be looking at one of one of the oldest cultivated grains in the world – MILLETS – The Best Staple food in terms of HEALTH – Come join me as we unravel the Healthy Connects associated with Millets.

Continue reading Millets are Miraculous !!!

“Healthy Eating for College Students” (Part 3 of 4)

Today I bring to you some more tips with respect to HEALTHY EATING for College Student. If you have read the previous post…By now you must be well confident of the fact that…

A Healthy College Life is not a myth but a Reality

Today as we continue on with the series – and now that we have tackled the WHY’s – it’s time to get the HOW’s shorted out….Let’s begin…
Continue reading “Healthy Eating for College Students” (Part 3 of 4)