Meaningful Insights – 41/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Never base your LIFE decisions on advice from people who don’t have to deal with the results – simply because their advice is based on their perception of life

The advice set me THINKING – and it did sound PERFECT – Without a doubt – WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN REALITIES – and this is what makes our CHOICES differ & our OUTCOMES diverse… Continue reading Meaningful Insights – 41/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Celebrating Life – One Day at a TIME :)

“May you LIVE all the DAYS of your LIFE” – These are the WORDS of a Beautiful Soul who BLESSED me each TIME we met 🙂 

“Blessings are your GREATEST assets” – I feel the statement holds TRUE for each one of us – We are safe in this World because our BLESSINGS act as a Shield and protect us from evil – Today as I write this post – I feel LUCKY to have been BLESSED by GOD with one of HIS Best child as my Guiding Angel. Continue reading Celebrating Life – One Day at a TIME 🙂

“PAIN—It demands to be FELT”

Modern times have resulted in a lot of stress and unnecessary pressure on the little ones. As the years pass by, this stress increases and sometimes it ends in ways that we least expect it to be – Our children are heading towards a zone of No Return Continue reading “PAIN—It demands to be FELT”