Saturdays have become synonymous with GRACE – Every week as I look forward to sharing a snippet of Guru’s Grace – I feel Blessed to be Guided by Baba Nanak. Today’s Post resonates on the concept of ANCHORS – The very essentials that help hold the ship in place when thrown overboard.

Continue reading DIVINE ANCHORS !


Today’s post resonates on the importance of how to create a “Win -Win” strategy in our dealings…My Guru taught me an excellent way to master this ART of “Win-Win” but alas, the DEAL is not that easy in this fabricated world…Come join me as we comprehend yet another fabulous learning.

Continue reading “WIN- WIN” DEALS!

Journey Within – 13/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

I came across these words and they set me THINKING…These are the words of Marianne Williamson and when I reflected on theses with my Life journey – They seemed PERFECT.

Nothing binds you except your THOUGHTS

Nothing limits you except your FEAR...

Nothing controls you except your BELIEFS

Continue reading Journey Within – 13/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Have we killed the Ravana who dwells in our soul?

Today Indians celebrate the auspicious festival of Dusshera – The festival that I personally take it as one of the BIGGEST LESSONS that LIFE brings us EACH YEAR !!! Continue reading Have we killed the Ravana who dwells in our soul?