This week we start our quest into the Zone of ZERO CALORIE NUTRIENTS… Water and Fibre constitute this category – Both Water and Fibre are vital for the body and though they have not much to contribute with respect to NUTRIENTS, their absence in our Diets does have serious consequences. So it is a must we get to know them and add them to the DIETS so as to enjoy GOOD HEALTH !

Continue reading REFRESHING WATER !

Summer is LOADING…

Summer Days are HERE again…A fabulous opportunity to have all the FUN – Splash on the BEACH – Swim & Sail…Make some sand castles…the list is just endless…

“Smell the sea, and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly.” ~ Van Morrison

Continue reading Summer is LOADING…

Brave Effort – 52/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Today I confidently announce my Triumph…I have finally achieved my GOAL…This is my 52nd Post – The journey comes to an END…But as it ENDS…It brings with itself a NEW BEGINNING…Refreshing & Uplifting like a LEAF on the TREE.

Without further adieu…I share with you this last & the most crucial lesson from Mother Nature… Continue reading Brave Effort – 52/52 – Weekly Photo Journal