Emotional Fragility: Mood Swings

Time and again we are told to “Dance to the Rhythm of LIFE” and we do – The changing beats of life forever keep us busy and going — But things change in our late 40s & early 50s – For many women, Life gets chaotic when “Menopausal Music” is played – Not many are ready to DANCE to this NEW BEAT of LIFE – Wondering Why?

Continue reading Emotional Fragility: Mood Swings

Celebrating Life – One Day at a TIME :)

“May you LIVE all the DAYS of your LIFE” – These are the WORDS of a Beautiful Soul who BLESSED me each TIME we met 🙂 

“Blessings are your GREATEST assets” – I feel the statement holds TRUE for each one of us – We are safe in this World because our BLESSINGS act as a Shield and protect us from evil – Today as I write this post – I feel LUCKY to have been BLESSED by GOD with one of HIS Best child as my Guiding Angel. Continue reading Celebrating Life – One Day at a TIME 🙂