Tender Hearts !

Today’s Post is about a GREAT LESSON that we must all embrace if we wish to be successful in LIFE – Be in the Family matters, Office premises, Schools and simple pleasures of Life, this lesson is a MUST. Come join me as the learnings continue…

Continue reading Tender Hearts !

Meaningful Insights – 41/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Never base your LIFE decisions on advice from people who don’t have to deal with the results – simply because their advice is based on their perception of life

The advice set me THINKING – and it did sound PERFECT – Without a doubt – WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN REALITIES – and this is what makes our CHOICES differ & our OUTCOMES diverse… Continue reading Meaningful Insights – 41/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Symbol of  Synchronicity – 27/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are – Anais Nin 

“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are” – Who are WE – We are a REFLECTION of our mindfulness to life & its events & connects – It is we who give meaning to our situations & the circumstance that we find ourselves into. It is WE who define the RIGHT and the WRONG.

The insight that I share today has a lot to do with the FLOWER that excites us the most – Read to find out how & why our WORLD differs in spite of we all living in the SAME World & what has a FLOWER to do with this aspect of our everyday living !!! Continue reading Symbol of  Synchronicity – 27/52 – Weekly Photo Journal