COCO FAT ~ Know it ALL !!!

In our previous articles we learnt that excess saturated fat in the diet is unhealthy because as it tends to raise the “BAD” LDL cholesterol levels – a precursor that increases the risk of heart disease. Coconut oil is basically about 90% saturated fat and yet enjoys the status of “Superfood” – Wondering WHY, let us unravel the Secrets.

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Fat Mathematics

Eating the right amounts and right types of fat can go a long way toward reducing the disease risks and enhancing our overall health…Today we will be discussing the ideal Fat requirements of an individual and how much of each type to Fats needs to be consumed to stay HALE AND HEARTY.

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Protein Package

In today’s article, we will be learning about the Concept of Protein Packages…If this is your FIRST TIME on our Blog, my humble request is to kindly refer to the previous articles, as this is an ongoing series on HEALTH…and many vital facts have been discussed in the previous articles…Getting on with Today’s Health Secret…

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