Lifestyle Makeover !

As promised, we bring to you the next article in the series of “Clean Eat” – In the previous article, we learnt that dietary habits must be changed in order to live Healthy, but that alone isn’t enough – The art of B-FIT LIFESTYLE rests on the foundation of some daily practices that must be a part of our Personality…Time for a Lifestyle Modification.

Continue reading Lifestyle Makeover !

Rice is Nice !!!

Fussy eaters – We are aware of this “TERM” but do we really know what the term denotes – Well, ask a Mother and she takes her kids to be a FUSSY eater for they give her a DIFFICULT TIME when meals are served…

Ask a Wife and she takes her husband to be a FUSSY EATER, for always comparing her served meals with his Mother

Continue reading Rice is Nice !!!

“Healthy Eating for College Students”(Part 4 of 4)

This is the last article in the series. Hopefully the information shared so far has been useful. I hope that as the series ends today with this last article, mothers will now be more stress-free and confident that a healthy college life is a REALITY that can be lived.

Today I share with YOU all 10 SIMPLE STRATEGIES that can serve as the 10 Yardsticks to a HEALTHY LIFE in College 🙂

Let’s begin… Continue reading “Healthy Eating for College Students”(Part 4 of 4)