Happy Meals :)

Last week we not only celebrated the advantages of Vegetarian Proteins, but we also realized that all FOODS are Excellent sources of Nutrients and when we learnt the art of Smart Planning of Meals – we can make HEALTH a daily affair – Cheers to a Healthier YOU !!!

As promised, today we will be discussing some Cereal Pulse Combinations that can excite your Children.

Continue reading Happy Meals 🙂

“Healthy Eating for College Students” (Part 3 of 4)

Today I bring to you some more tips with respect to HEALTHY EATING for College Student. If you have read the previous post…By now you must be well confident of the fact that…

A Healthy College Life is not a myth but a Reality

Today as we continue on with the series – and now that we have tackled the WHY’s – it’s time to get the HOW’s shorted out….Let’s begin…
Continue reading “Healthy Eating for College Students” (Part 3 of 4)