Can we live in Peace when there is so much chaos in this World”– The question directed me to this Mindfulness – Baba Nanak has his ways of reaching out to me. A call from my Guiding Angel helped me revise my lessons that I share TODAY.

Continue reading JEWEL of PEACE !

Beautiful Brides !

The age-old quote, “What you seek is seeking you.” echoes in my thoughts as I share this post today – I wish to share with you all a Beautiful Experience of my Life through this article – A Beautiful Relation with my husband was & is all that I seek in Life – little did I knew that this Simple Wish would gift me wonders galore…Come join me and let us together explore one more Precious Connect of Sikhi.

Continue reading Beautiful Brides !

Happy at 40 !

The saying that “LIFE begins at 40” is heard by many – Ever wondered, why this saying – and does it really hold TRUE – Today, I will share an interesting connect that helps us ANCHOR that indeed LIFE begins only after 40…Once again my learnings are rooted in Sikhi.

Continue reading Happy at 40 !

Game of LIFE !

The last few days have been filled with shocks and unpleasant moments – Indeed the unbelievable happened – Death knocked on the door of a loved one – and a beautiful Soul left for his journey back home – Helpless we were all, and yet the orders of Death had to be obeyed – and as I set myself to face the reality, I was directed to this thoughtful Shabad of Baba Nanak.

Continue reading Game of LIFE !

On a QUEST !

“Knowing our personal mission further enhances the flow of mysterious coincidences as we are guided toward our destinies. First, we have a question, then dreams, daydreams, and intuitions lead us toward the answers, which usually are synchronistically provided by the wisdom of another human being.”

The words of James Redfield, American Author, Lecturer, and Film Producer echo in my mind as I share today’s snippet of Grace…So true it is that the journeys taken by a man depend on the quests he seeks.

Continue reading On a QUEST !

I am WORTHY – 33/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

To be surrounded by plants – To wake up to the GREEN aura – To witness the opening of a bud – To be overwhelmed when a New leaf sprouts…are some of the GIFTS that we receive when we choose GARDENING as our HOBBY 🙂 Continue reading I am WORTHY – 33/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Celebrating Life – One Day at a TIME :)

“May you LIVE all the DAYS of your LIFE” – These are the WORDS of a Beautiful Soul who BLESSED me each TIME we met 🙂 

“Blessings are your GREATEST assets” – I feel the statement holds TRUE for each one of us – We are safe in this World because our BLESSINGS act as a Shield and protect us from evil – Today as I write this post – I feel LUCKY to have been BLESSED by GOD with one of HIS Best child as my Guiding Angel. Continue reading Celebrating Life – One Day at a TIME 🙂

The Quest for PEACE begins…

International Day of Peace is celebrated annually on the 21st September and so is World Gratitude Day – The occurrence of both these events on the same day – is it an accident or does it have a relevance of a deeper connect.

Time to find… Continue reading The Quest for PEACE begins…