Be the FLOW ~~~

Today I share with you yet another Fabulous Connect. Once again the Wisdom is derived from a FESTIVAL that falls TODAY. Come join me & let us all discover the wisdom concealed in the festivals that our Ancestors so kindly asked us to celebrate. Continue reading Be the FLOW ~~~

CHEERS to SPRING !!! – 38/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

With the weather being JUST PERFECT & Every aspect of Mother Nature announcing the arrival of the “GOOD TIMES” – It’s time to CELEBRATE and CHEER our LOUD… 

Finally SPRING is here…

Continue reading CHEERS to SPRING !!! – 38/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Along the Journey – 30/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Sometimes LIFE gets so complicated that we even forget to notice the GOODNESS that surrounds us each day – I too have had my share of losses… But now things are DIFFERENT – Life has BLESSED me with an opportunity to LIVE BEAUTIFUL – And when this opportunity came – The only thing that mattered to me was to be in SYNC with MOTHER NATURE.

Today through this journey – I take you into the WORLD OF WONDERS – I call it the “WOW” factor that can make each one of us FEEL GOOD & SPECIAL…Not just TODAY…But almost EVERYDAY – EVERY MOMENT…

Let the JOURNEY begin…Along this JOURNEY…May each of us Discover the WONDERS…MOTHER NATURE bestows upon us each year. Continue reading Along the Journey – 30/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Midas Touch – 6/52- Weekly Photo Journal

There’s this Gorgeous Tree that grows right across the road in front of my house & it blossoms only in the summer months.

Today’s post is about the flower that grows on it – These flowers have a special connect with my life – The name itself takes me back in time – The day when I learnt a very important lesson in life – “Be AWARE of your SURROUNDINGS” Continue reading Midas Touch – 6/52- Weekly Photo Journal