Amazing Antidote !

Today’s post resonates upon the aspect of MENTAL HEALTH. Mental Health is of utmost importance and yet many of us fail to accept this FACT. We either ignore it or use it as an excuse to not perform in our daily affairs – In this series, I share some GREAT GIFTS that I have received from my Guru – and today’s article echoes on a GIFT that has helped me strengthen my Mental state and guided me to a Happy State of Being.

Continue reading Amazing Antidote !

High Spirits – 25/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

With the climate at its BEST in DUBAI during this time of the year – Morning walks are a preferred choice for many including me. We look forward to these days of Pleasurable Steps…when the cold breeze blowing on our faces refreshes the soul…and as the sky gets painted by the legendary painter himself – One feels honored to have started the day with this CHOICE 🙂

Today I take you on yet another quest that introduced me to the IMPORTANCE of some  BEAUTIES that are found in abundance where I stay. Continue reading High Spirits – 25/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Back in the Sunshine – 16/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

I am a SEED planted by GOD – And I must GROW 🙂

And when HE put me there – in the dark dingy world…HE whispered in my soul…“Get comfortable feeling uncomfortable”…This will help you fulfill my DESIRE behind this intention of putting you in this soil…Make me PROUD of my Decision…GROW & FLOURISH – This is what you must ACCOMPLISH before I call you back” Continue reading Back in the Sunshine – 16/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Reaping God’s Blessings :)

Life comes a full circle when you see for yourself, a new life that you made for yourself by that ONE decision that was taken with Clarity & Confidence – You now feel HAPPY that you are on your way to a Brighter & Blessed Tomorrow… Continue reading Reaping God’s Blessings 🙂

Every journey has its own Twists & Turns

Picking from where we left last…The opportunity of being a “Parent Coach” was exciting…But it had its share of twists & Turns…Today I share with you…some crucial connects & decisions that were taken so that this opportunity could be put to its BEST usage 🙂 Continue reading Every journey has its own Twists & Turns