The Pearl Necklace – 50/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Today POST is indeed very SPECIAL to ME…for reasons many…This is my 50th post in this series and it beautifully coincides with my husband’s 50th Birthday…A fabulous Milestone…and So I dedicate this post to him…and share with some WONDERS we have discovered along the path in our 25 years of Knowing each otherSunil - 50th Birthday.jpgI pride in naming this post – “The PEARL NECKLACE” – The reasons will be known to you as you read along…Let the MIRACULOUS JOURNEY begin…. Continue reading The Pearl Necklace – 50/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

SNOW much FUN – 29/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

This is my FIRST New Year’s stories for you in my series of Wondrous Wednesdays – Apologies for being absent for THREE weeks – But when LIFE gives you an opportunity to be in the lap of Mother Nature – Learning some New Lessons – The delays don’t matter – coz the LEARNINGS are just AMAZING 🙂

This winter I had the opportunity of visiting USA for a SECOND Time – So glad I got to indulge in my inner child and LIVE a MOMENT that makes me feel WONDROUS 🙂 Continue reading SNOW much FUN – 29/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

My 22nd Wedding Anniversary deserves a “Swan Connect”.

The 22nd wedding anniversary might not be as BIG of a milestone as our 20th or 25th, and habitually most of us just look forward to celebrating just the 25th and 50th milestones in a big way – In my opinion every Anniversary has its significance. Continue reading My 22nd Wedding Anniversary deserves a “Swan Connect”.

Every journey has its own Twists & Turns

Picking from where we left last…The opportunity of being a “Parent Coach” was exciting…But it had its share of twists & Turns…Today I share with you…some crucial connects & decisions that were taken so that this opportunity could be put to its BEST usage 🙂 Continue reading Every journey has its own Twists & Turns