COCO FAT ~ Know it ALL !!!

In our previous articles we learnt that excess saturated fat in the diet is unhealthy because as it tends to raise the “BAD” LDL cholesterol levels – a precursor that increases the risk of heart disease. Coconut oil is basically about 90% saturated fat and yet enjoys the status of “Superfood” – Wondering WHY, let us unravel the Secrets.

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Know your Millets !!!

Today, we delve into the Mysterious world of Millets once again – This time, we get to know them with respect to SPECIFIC BENEFITS they contribute and how wondrous it gets, when we are willing to experiment with FOOD.

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Plantains are Pleasurable !!!

Yet another staple food, we shall be discussing today… Plantains very similar to a Banana in appearance and yet very different in taste to the Humble banana that we all so are well versed with...Let’s get acquainted with the Plantains that are truly Pleasurable.

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