Macro Minerals !

A couple of weeks back we started the series on “Micronutrients” and the last two weeks were dedicated to the Vitamins World of Micronutrients – Today we delve into the World of Minerals – Come join me as we discover the Minerals that our BODY needs to stay HEALTHY & FIT.

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I am in Control of My Child’s Breakfast…

In my country of Residence, DUBAI, Schools opened up last week and hence the flow of Anxiety in all homes – I have been hearing about the anxiety attack from parents regarding the Breakfast Options …The “Tug of war”, as I refer to it, of the Daily Grind of a Mother’s life has started…In this article, today, let us learn some thought-provoking concepts associated with BREAKFAST and how we as MOTHERS can win the DEAL…and end this “Tug of War” over BREAKFAST every MORNING!

Continue reading I am in Control of My Child’s Breakfast…

Lifestyle Makeover !

As promised, we bring to you the next article in the series of “Clean Eat” – In the previous article, we learnt that dietary habits must be changed in order to live Healthy, but that alone isn’t enough – The art of B-FIT LIFESTYLE rests on the foundation of some daily practices that must be a part of our Personality…Time for a Lifestyle Modification.

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Think You’re Hungry? It Could Be “Fake”

Have you experienced a situation wherein even after eating your meals you still feel hungry? Are you really hungry or is it some kind of a mind game? Do you want to know the real cause of this feeling? If the answer is YES — then your quest ends here. This is a sign of “Fake Hunger”– Let us learn more about this feeling. How to identify and control this sensation and FREE yourself from this trick?

Continue reading Think You’re Hungry? It Could Be “Fake”

Food On The GO ~ ~ ~

Last week we learnt about the “Golden Ratio” & how it impacts our LIFE – This week let us tackle yet another interesting aspect – One that is universal to each one of us – FOOD on the GO How to make the RIGHT CHOICES.

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Utterly Delicious – Butter

We are all aware of the tagline “Utterly Butterly Delicious Amul” – and the very minute, the words fall on our ears, we can almost visualize the drooling butter on Parathas and generous spreads on Toast…and with all these lovely food memories, we are also reminded of two important characters – Lord Krishna eating butter and the cute little Amul Girl inviting us all to have a toast with Butter.

Undeniably, as Children, Life was so Simple & Delicious, but as adults, when it comes to our Meals, we shun away from butter, because we have been sold the idea that BUTTER is BAD. Butter has its own Specific Place in the Healthy Platter – Today let us get to know the REAL Story of BUTTER.

Continue reading Utterly Delicious – Butter

FATS – Know them RIGHT !!!

Today we start a quest into yet another important macronutrient – FATS. Undeniably Fats have always been mocked and rejected and given the label “Fats make us FAT” but this isn’t entirely TRUE – there is more to this simple blame game that we have been a part of for so many years 😦

Time to unravel the secrets to Fats and learn why FATS, too, are an integral part of a Healthy Lifestyle…Time to get our awareness on Fats RIGHT!

Continue reading FATS – Know them RIGHT !!!

Happy Meals :)

Last week we not only celebrated the advantages of Vegetarian Proteins, but we also realized that all FOODS are Excellent sources of Nutrients and when we learnt the art of Smart Planning of Meals – we can make HEALTH a daily affair – Cheers to a Healthier YOU !!!

As promised, today we will be discussing some Cereal Pulse Combinations that can excite your Children.

Continue reading Happy Meals 🙂

Vegetarian Proteins !!!

“Vegetable Proteins are not healthy and it is very difficult for vegetarians to achieve their Protein Intake” – if this is of concern to you and you believe it to be TRUE – then this post is for you – Today let us reveal some facts so that this illogical myth no longer impacts our Health – Time to Celebrate the Fact that “Vegetarian Diets are indeed the way to a Healthy YOU”

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We have been learning so much about Proteins in the last couple of days and this makes me confident that you are now fully conscious of the need of Proteins and how it truly justifies to be a “Macronutrient” – one that is needed by the body in large amounts and yet it is true that too much Proteins can be lethal.

Continue reading PROTEINS can be LETHAL !!!