Powerful Living : Managing your Risks

Women are known for their multitasking abilities – From their mommy duties to the boardroom meeting, they are always on the go…however, this versatile attitude of a woman becomes the most challenging aspect in life during her Menopausal years… Join me today, and together, let us learn how, a woman can be POWERFUL when life throws her a “Googly

Continue reading Powerful Living : Managing your Risks

Let it RAIN – 46/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

LISTEN to the VOICES of YOUR HEART…Nature speaks to YOU through the language of Instincts & Intuitions…Pay attention.. for that is where TREASURES galore await YOU !!!

These WORDS are the FOUNDATION of all MY WRITINGS & LEARNINGS…In Silence I seek my treasures…In Reflections…I discover my reality…In retrospection…I share my LESSONS 🙂

Come JOIN me in my NEW DISCOVERIES & LEARNINGS… Continue reading Let it RAIN – 46/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Colour Concealed – 36/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Mother Nature has so much to offer in terms of COLORS…and as I write – I recall the words of  Leigh Hunt – “Colors are the SMILES of Nature.”

Can anyone disagree – At least not ME – With a SMILE on my face & enthusiasm in my heart … I take this opportunity to take you on a Journey of COLORS….in the Beautiful WORLD of WONDERS of MOTHER NATURE.

Let us together EXPLORE the MAGIC of COLORS !!!

Continue reading Colour Concealed – 36/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Stay Connected – 19/52 – Weekly Journal

A meaningful afternoon spent with my friend inspired me to write these thoughts. This friend of mine was a new addition to my life & this was our very first meeting – and as we all know…Women often tend to connect on common grounds…and matters of the FAMILY & PERSONAL CHALLENGES always tend to intertwine in their conversations…

What I share today is based on my Reflections I had after my meeting with this new friend…And I am confident…You too will CONNECT with the ECHO of my THOUGHTS. Continue reading Stay Connected – 19/52 – Weekly Journal


Every move is tough and challenging, but you know what, CHANGE is sometimes a good thing….Because it can make us strong, keep us spirited, and help us evolve…So let us embrace “CHANGE” with “”GRACE”

Today as the “Month of Change”October – Comes to an end – and we bid Goodbye – allow me to share with you the Journey of CHANGE of a remarkable personality – who deserves to be applauded for embracing the Changes in her life with grace when CANCER knocked at her door ! Continue reading EMBRACE the CHANGE with GRACE