Friendship with God !

Parenting is a Fabulous Gift and the Journey of Parenting is Awesome and yet many of us fail to enjoy it because we are entertaining darkness. As Parents we desire the BEST for our CHILD and yet we end up creating barriers with our CHILDREN – Our Parenting Trails are dotted with Fears – Precise reason being, we have “Trust Issues” with our Children – The Generation Gap also contributes to our FEARS – How can we then expect our children to then grow up to be JOYFUL in LIFE, when we are constantly giving them reasons to live in doubts – Join me as we unravel the Secrets to Joyful Children…

Continue reading Friendship with God !

“PAIN—It demands to be FELT”

Modern times have resulted in a lot of stress and unnecessary pressure on the little ones. As the years pass by, this stress increases and sometimes it ends in ways that we least expect it to be – Our children are heading towards a zone of No Return Continue reading “PAIN—It demands to be FELT”

“Discover Yourself”

Discover Yourself in the CROWD…For it is only then will you BE PROUD of your EXISTENCE…The ADVICE is received…But do we CARE enough to really DISCOVER ourselves…

Today, let us do a REALITY CHECK…and then may be we will KNOW where we actually belong… Continue reading “Discover Yourself”