CLEAR GOALS – 14/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

WOW! I’m a Peach & I’m just going to be a Peach, I’m in no mood to CHANGE, I’d rather just wait till someone who loves “Peaches” comes along and appreciates me.

Any hint as to what is my TOPIC for the week…Well it is certainly something to do with FRUITS which are Mother Nature’s Blessings for us to stay HEALTHY & indeed they have a meaningful connect for us… Continue reading CLEAR GOALS – 14/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Be a “Pillar of Strength” for your child !!!

Parenting is a BLESSING…One that is secretly CHERISHED but rarely is it APPRECIATED with HONESTY & GRATITUDE…

Today I share with you some MISSING LINKS of the BEAUTIFUL JOURNEY of PARENTING…As you READ on…Do have a LOOK at the PILE OF LETTERS… Continue reading Be a “Pillar of Strength” for your child !!!

Self-Centered – Are WE ???

“Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation” Powerful quote by C. Everett Koop.

The quote has always been the finest benchmark in my extraordinary journey of parenting…I forever believe that…Being a parent is the Greatest Blessing and our Children are precious to us…and yet at times we get so “Self Centered” in our journeys…

Today…I share with you some personal connects – My perspectives of this BLESSED JOURNEY… Continue reading Self-Centered – Are WE ???