In PERFECT Sync – 49/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Today’s post is inspired by a FUN moment on Facebook – as I was just having some “ME- MOMENTS” to unwind from the busy routine of life…and the REFLECTIONS that followed. Let’s unravel some SECRETS of the FUN MOMENTS of everyday LIFE 🙂 Continue reading In PERFECT Sync – 49/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Frosty Pleasures – 9/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

We all have been mesmerized by the beauty of the city or/and countryside covered in snow – The serenity and whiteness of snow has a calm effect on our minds. I am no different – I love the snow, especially when a sprinkle begins to fall from the sky in the freezing temperatures – The experience is AWESOME.
Continue reading Frosty Pleasures – 9/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Catch 22 Situations :)

Today I share with you some experiences of a NEW JOURNEY that lead me to this THOUGHT of sharing with you my CONNECTS of LIFE.I call them the “CATCH 22” situations…

Join ME as we LEARN about these… Continue reading Catch 22 Situations 🙂

“New Beginnings” – International Parent Coaching Program (IPCP)

If you are a DREAMER…You will Connect to the reality that DREAMS do come true…if we have the patience & the perseverance to overcome any obstacles that might block our path…Life is all about “New Beginnings”

With these thoughts…I share with my connects of a JOURNEY that was just a THOUGHT in my mind…But with perseverance & Patience…It is now a REALITY !!!

Continue reading “New Beginnings” – International Parent Coaching Program (IPCP)