Fabulous Fibre !

Today we delve into the World of yet another Essential Nutrient – Fibre. We have all heard the word but do we really know what it denotes in the World of Health and WHY it is IMPORTANT to the SEEKERS of HEALTH ❤

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Let’s DETOX !!!

In this Space of Learnings, the month of October was dedicated to Reflections and Renewal – we did get introduced to many new learnings related to HEALTH and how we all can live a “Healthy & Happy Life – Today, let us delve into yet another aspect that can make us stay “FIT” – The World of “DETOX” awaits us all…Let the journey of learnings begin…

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The NINE Essentials…

In our earlier articles, we learnt about the requirements of Proteins and Amino Acids and we also got introduced to the Concept of Essential Amino Acids (EAA) and the significant role they play in keeping us healthy & Fit. Today, let us get familiar with foods that contain these Essential Amino acids – for it is this familiarity that can help us be experts in “Smart Choices” and “Healthy Food Combinations” techniques that are the secret to being HEALTHY !!!

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Protein Procurement

Our bodies are good at storing fats and some sugars but not good at storing proteins. This is the precise reason; we must eat Proteins on a daily basis. Today let us delve into the World of Nutrition and introduce ourselves to the vast variety of Protein Foods available to us – Let our food be the only SOURCE of Proteins, and not any supplements unless specified by the Doctor.

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Maize is Mind-Blowing !!!

The typically yellow or white kernels that comes on a cob, protected by a husk is the STAPLE FOOD that we will be discussing TODAY – Amazed you will be to know that Maize (or Corn, as it is known in some parts of the world) is perhaps the world’s most important food crop, a staple food in many parts of the World.

Maize has its own distinctiveness & truly justifies the tag – Maize is mind-blowing…But FIRST let us solve the Mysterious connection between Maize and Corn.

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Rice is Nice !!!

Fussy eaters – We are aware of this “TERM” but do we really know what the term denotes – Well, ask a Mother and she takes her kids to be a FUSSY eater for they give her a DIFFICULT TIME when meals are served…

Ask a Wife and she takes her husband to be a FUSSY EATER, for always comparing her served meals with his Mother

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“Healthy Eating for College Students” (Part 3 of 4)

Today I bring to you some more tips with respect to HEALTHY EATING for College Student. If you have read the previous post…By now you must be well confident of the fact that…

A Healthy College Life is not a myth but a Reality

Today as we continue on with the series – and now that we have tackled the WHY’s – it’s time to get the HOW’s shorted out….Let’s begin…
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