Set Sailing – 44/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

To gift myself a LESSON of HOPE…I share with you something that is very CLOSE to my HEART…and has its roots in our CHILDHOOD 🙂

I can sense the SMILE on your FACE right now….That is the Charisma of CHILDHOOD…It always makes us SMILE 🙂 Continue reading Set Sailing – 44/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Meaningful Insights – 41/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Never base your LIFE decisions on advice from people who don’t have to deal with the results – simply because their advice is based on their perception of life

The advice set me THINKING – and it did sound PERFECT – Without a doubt – WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN REALITIES – and this is what makes our CHOICES differ & our OUTCOMES diverse… Continue reading Meaningful Insights – 41/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Day to REMEMBER -1/52- Weekly Photo Journal

Patience is a flower that does not grow in everyone’s garden. But I was fortunate to have seen one recently….and must say…It was Beautiful & Attractive to look at 🙂 Continue reading Day to REMEMBER -1/52- Weekly Photo Journal