Woman’s Beauty – Define it RIGHT <3

Today in this series on Menopause, we will be discussing “BEAUTY” – Beauty is a social Status for most of us and hence we want to look our BEST – But during the Menopausal years, CHANGES in our appearances make us unhappy…does that mean if we have to live that way for the rest of our days – Come join me as we learn some simple yet effective ways to STAY BEAUTY when Menopause knocks on our doors…

Continue reading Woman’s Beauty – Define it RIGHT ❤

I am in Control of My Child’s Breakfast…

In my country of Residence, DUBAI, Schools opened up last week and hence the flow of Anxiety in all homes – I have been hearing about the anxiety attack from parents regarding the Breakfast Options …The “Tug of war”, as I refer to it, of the Daily Grind of a Mother’s life has started…In this article, today, let us learn some thought-provoking concepts associated with BREAKFAST and how we as MOTHERS can win the DEAL…and end this “Tug of War” over BREAKFAST every MORNING!

Continue reading I am in Control of My Child’s Breakfast…

Math – The Essence Of Our Life !

Being well versed in this language of numbers, helps us make vital judgments and perform everyday tasks with PERFECTION – Precise reason why every individual is expected to know MATH if they seek SUCCESS…MATH, truly is the essence of LIFE !!!

Today let us delve deeper into an interesting aspect of MATH – Join me as we unravel some excellent connects associated with MATH & HEALTH.

Continue reading Math – The Essence Of Our Life !

Sprouts – Power Packed with Nutrients

Healthy Eating is what we all prefer…and so the SEARCH for the BEST FOODS begins…HEALTH is simply a matter of EATING a BALANCED DIET and some FOODS offer just the PERFECT BALANCE of NUTRIENTS 🙂

These are the FOODS we must always have at hand…So that the MEALS that we EAT are HEALTHY & NUTRIENT DENSE…Today I will SHARE with you some facts associated with one such FOOD – SPROUTS 🙂 Continue reading Sprouts – Power Packed with Nutrients

Pineapple – The Symbol of Hospitality !

Fresh fruits are essential to our well-being and we should always be thankful to Mother Nature who has blessed us with a variety of options to fill our platter.

However, many a times we refuse to add some fruits to our diets simply because we are oblivious of the nutritional benefits associated with them. These fruits charm us as we go about doing our grocery shopping, but they never find their way to our daily menus.

Time to INTRODUCE some NEW FRUITS to our DIETS….  Continue reading Pineapple – The Symbol of Hospitality !