Can we live in Peace when there is so much chaos in this World”– The question directed me to this Mindfulness – Baba Nanak has his ways of reaching out to me. A call from my Guiding Angel helped me revise my lessons that I share TODAY.

Continue reading JEWEL of PEACE !

Happy at 40 !

The saying that “LIFE begins at 40” is heard by many – Ever wondered, why this saying – and does it really hold TRUE – Today, I will share an interesting connect that helps us ANCHOR that indeed LIFE begins only after 40…Once again my learnings are rooted in Sikhi.

Continue reading Happy at 40 !

Reaping God’s Blessings :)

Life comes a full circle when you see for yourself, a new life that you made for yourself by that ONE decision that was taken with Clarity & Confidence – You now feel HAPPY that you are on your way to a Brighter & Blessed Tomorrow… Continue reading Reaping God’s Blessings 🙂

“Healthy Eating for College Students” (Part 1 of 4)

Only when we accept the seriousness of the dare – are we equipped with the power to find the solutions. So let us start the series with a question.

Is it really Challenging to Eat HEALTHY at College?

Allow me to introduce  you to The College Food Pyramid, which kind of explains it why most students find it difficult to stay healthy during this most vibrant milestone of their lives.

Continue reading “Healthy Eating for College Students” (Part 1 of 4)

Wednesday Wisdom :) Teenage Special

Sometimes it just takes a word to bring back the FEARS & CHALLENGES that the future holds in store for us…For parents that word is “COLLEGE”

The mention of the WORD itself takes us back on our personal journeys of that phase…and then we find it difficult to control our fears with respect to COLLEGE LIFE…for our children…

Today I start a NEW JOURNEY…come join me as we EXPLORE the WORLD of TEENAGERS & their JOURNEYS…and how with a SIMPLE approach we can guide them towards a Fabulous College Experience 🙂 Continue reading Wednesday Wisdom 🙂 Teenage Special

Have we killed the Ravana who dwells in our soul?

Today Indians celebrate the auspicious festival of Dusshera – The festival that I personally take it as one of the BIGGEST LESSONS that LIFE brings us EACH YEAR !!! Continue reading Have we killed the Ravana who dwells in our soul?