Potatoes are PERFECT !!!

Today we delve into yet another interesting Stale food – A non-cereal food crop ranked as the world’s fourth most important food crop after rice, wheat, and maize…It is none other than the Modest Potato – One which often gets into the SPOT LIGHT for wrong reasons 😦

Continue reading Potatoes are PERFECT !!!

Wheat is Great !!!

As promised, we bring to you our next part in the series of Fussy eaters – This time the emphasis will be on Wheat Based Staple Diets and how wheat contributes to HEALTH, when consumed in the RIGHT WAY.

Continue reading Wheat is Great !!!

Rice is Nice !!!

Fussy eaters – We are aware of this “TERM” but do we really know what the term denotes – Well, ask a Mother and she takes her kids to be a FUSSY eater for they give her a DIFFICULT TIME when meals are served…

Ask a Wife and she takes her husband to be a FUSSY EATER, for always comparing her served meals with his Mother

Continue reading Rice is Nice !!!

Staple Foods: Do we know them ?

I hope you enjoyed the FIRST article in the series of Health Through Awareness. Today, let us get ourselves acquainted to STAPLE FOODS – By definition, staples denote a food item that can be stored easily and eaten throughout the year. But how do they matter to HEALTH…Let’s get to know them ???

Continue reading Staple Foods: Do we know them ?

Health Through Awareness: A Step Forward

Drop the last year into the SILENT LIMBO of the past…Let it go…for it was IMPERFECT, and THANK GOD that it can go…Let us start this New Year on a note of being aware and staying healthy.

Continue reading Health Through Awareness: A Step Forward

Best Buddies – Pairing your Foods

The doctors said you are “ANEMIC”. Iron rich foods get piled up in your fridge and kitchen shelf. But the levels of iron just doesn’t seem to increase in spite of increased intake of iron rich foods. Ever wondered why in spite of consuming iron rich foods these levels just don’t seem to increase.

Here’s your ANSWER – You are MISSING the LINK to “Food Combination” Continue reading Best Buddies – Pairing your Foods

Diabetes: When it gets Complicated…

Today we bring to you the last article in the Series of Diabetes – Diabetes is a progressive disease and a risk factor for many diseases. Even if your diabetes is in total control, you can still experience complications. So, Be Aware – Be Alert Continue reading Diabetes: When it gets Complicated…

Type 2 Diabetes – Lifestyle Modifications

When it comes to Diabetic Care – “Always Seek Knowledge”… For that is how one gets closer to findings answers to the many questions that arise in the mind when the doctor reveals to you – YOU have DIABETES !!!

Today I bring to you some more facts associated with Diabetes and in particular Type 2 Diabetes – “ASK & BE AWARE” Continue reading Type 2 Diabetes – Lifestyle Modifications

Diabetes in Children

On November 14 each year we celebrate WORLD DIABETES DAY. There is yet another and important connect associated with 14 November – CHILDREN’S DAY. Besides these two connects, there is yet another Coincidence – the theme for  World Diabetes Day 2019 is Family and Diabetes.

Keeping in accordance with the uniqueness associated with this DATE & the theme being the in PERFECT SYNC – It is important that we unite together in spreading a very important message to the world on how FAMILY CARE & SUPPORT is a MUST when it comes to Diabetes. Continue reading Diabetes in Children

Diabetes…Know it all

November is taken to be the National Diabetes Awareness Month and the World Diabetes Day is recognized on November 14 in honor of the birthday of Dr. Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin back in 1921.

I take this opportunity to share with you some basic facts associated with Diabetes & why it is a must that we get more clarity on this Deadly Disease that is killing millions across the globe. Diabetes was responsible for four million deaths in 2017.

This is Part 1 of a 4 series on “Diabetes Mellitus”

Continue reading Diabetes…Know it all