Emotional Fragility: Mood Swings

Time and again we are told to “Dance to the Rhythm of LIFE” and we do – The changing beats of life forever keep us busy and going — But things change in our late 40s & early 50s – For many women, Life gets chaotic when “Menopausal Music” is played – Not many are ready to DANCE to this NEW BEAT of LIFE – Wondering Why?

Continue reading Emotional Fragility: Mood Swings

In PERFECT Sync – 49/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Today’s post is inspired by a FUN moment on Facebook – as I was just having some “ME- MOMENTS” to unwind from the busy routine of life…and the REFLECTIONS that followed. Let’s unravel some SECRETS of the FUN MOMENTS of everyday LIFE 🙂 Continue reading In PERFECT Sync – 49/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Stay Connected – 19/52 – Weekly Journal

A meaningful afternoon spent with my friend inspired me to write these thoughts. This friend of mine was a new addition to my life & this was our very first meeting – and as we all know…Women often tend to connect on common grounds…and matters of the FAMILY & PERSONAL CHALLENGES always tend to intertwine in their conversations…

What I share today is based on my Reflections I had after my meeting with this new friend…And I am confident…You too will CONNECT with the ECHO of my THOUGHTS. Continue reading Stay Connected – 19/52 – Weekly Journal

Be SOMEONE, not someone’s

Being a WOMAN is MAGICAL in itself…But are WOMEN unaware of the UNIQUENESS they are BLESSED with…Today let us journey together…and DISCOVER that MAGIC of a WOMAN 🙂 Continue reading Be SOMEONE, not someone’s