Let’s DETOX !!!

In this Space of Learnings, the month of October was dedicated to Reflections and Renewal – we did get introduced to many new learnings related to HEALTH and how we all can live a “Healthy & Happy Life – Today, let us delve into yet another aspect that can make us stay “FIT” – The World of “DETOX” awaits us all…Let the journey of learnings begin…

Continue reading Let’s DETOX !!!

Be the FLOW ~~~

Today I share with you yet another Fabulous Connect. Once again the Wisdom is derived from a FESTIVAL that falls TODAY. Come join me & let us all discover the wisdom concealed in the festivals that our Ancestors so kindly asked us to celebrate. Continue reading Be the FLOW ~~~

Type 2 Diabetes – Lifestyle Modifications

When it comes to Diabetic Care – “Always Seek Knowledge”… For that is how one gets closer to findings answers to the many questions that arise in the mind when the doctor reveals to you – YOU have DIABETES !!!

Today I bring to you some more facts associated with Diabetes and in particular Type 2 Diabetes – “ASK & BE AWARE” Continue reading Type 2 Diabetes – Lifestyle Modifications

Diabetes in Children

On November 14 each year we celebrate WORLD DIABETES DAY. There is yet another and important connect associated with 14 November – CHILDREN’S DAY. Besides these two connects, there is yet another Coincidence – the theme for  World Diabetes Day 2019 is Family and Diabetes.

Keeping in accordance with the uniqueness associated with this DATE & the theme being the in PERFECT SYNC – It is important that we unite together in spreading a very important message to the world on how FAMILY CARE & SUPPORT is a MUST when it comes to Diabetes. Continue reading Diabetes in Children

Happy Birthday BABA :)

Today is a very auspicious day – It is the Birth Guru Nanak who we all fondly address as “BABA”. I write this post to express my gratitude to my BABA who has always been by my side & guided me all through the journey of WONDERS 🙂 Continue reading Happy Birthday BABA 🙂

Diabetes…Know it all

November is taken to be the National Diabetes Awareness Month and the World Diabetes Day is recognized on November 14 in honor of the birthday of Dr. Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin back in 1921.

I take this opportunity to share with you some basic facts associated with Diabetes & why it is a must that we get more clarity on this Deadly Disease that is killing millions across the globe. Diabetes was responsible for four million deaths in 2017.

This is Part 1 of a 4 series on “Diabetes Mellitus”

Continue reading Diabetes…Know it all

To Shine – You Must Rise :)

“BACK to SCHOOL” – The PHASE is BACK – CHALLENGING TIMES are HERE !!! Are YOU ready to accept the challenges & come out a WINNER in this phase of your Life…this is where your SEARCH ends…. Continue reading To Shine – You Must Rise 🙂


Today’s post is very SPECIAL to me for REASONS galore … How can so many parameters coincide is beyond the scope of my Logic … and yet the SYNCHRONICITY added so much value to my LIFE.

With Gratitude, I share some fascinating awareness that I chanced upon TODAY !!! 

Continue reading PERFECT COINCIDENCES !!!

100th POST – Celebration Time !!!

This is my 100th Post on my BLOG….With mixed Feelings of gratitude & awareness – I share my thoughts today. Thank you to everyone who has read, liked, commented and contributed to this blog…The success won’t be possible without you all.

As the BIG 100 gets engraved in this SPACE of Journeys & Reflections … I believe this is a Moment to REVEAL something profound and inspiring – Time for some meaning connects…JOIN ME, in my quest of REFLECTIONS ❤ ❤ ❤ Continue reading 100th POST – Celebration Time !!!


15th August 1947 – The DAY when INDIA was finally declared a FREE NATION…and set itself on a PROGRESSIVE JOURNEY…71 Years of FREEDOM we INDIANS have been ENJOYING…and in a few years from Now… Our Platinum Celebrations await US 🙂


Continue reading Step in the RIGHT DIRECTION…