The Empty Nest Syndrome – New Innings :)

I am not a cricket fan – but somehow the word “Innings” has always attracted me and if you were to search its meaning on Google – You might too approach it with a little extra respect for it simply means – “A period during which a person or group is active or effective.”

Now you all must be wondering – What has “Innings” got to do with the  “Empty Nest Syndrome.”  Continue reading The Empty Nest Syndrome – New Innings 🙂

Self-Centered – Are WE ???

“Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation” Powerful quote by C. Everett Koop.

The quote has always been the finest benchmark in my extraordinary journey of parenting…I forever believe that…Being a parent is the Greatest Blessing and our Children are precious to us…and yet at times we get so “Self Centered” in our journeys…

Today…I share with you some personal connects – My perspectives of this BLESSED JOURNEY… Continue reading Self-Centered – Are WE ???

Real Parenting

Parenting is a Blissful Journey…and we all are in search for the BEST in our Journeys…This sets us on the path of awareness…and lessons that are required to achieve the BEST 🙂

Today…let us connect to some awareness…some lessons…that can lead us to REAL PARENTING…also known as “Blissful Parenting”  Continue reading Real Parenting

Parent Coach – The journey with a Difference !

New Beginnings are always there for those who are willing to explore new horizons…and walk ahead on new paths. I personally believe that the “WILL” to do something purposeful is the BIGGEST MOTIVATION for anyone who believes in living a “Meaningful Life”

Today…I share with you my JOURNEY that was once a DREAM…and Today is a REALITY that will forever be cherished in my heart 🙂
Continue reading Parent Coach – The journey with a Difference !

Every journey has its own Twists & Turns

Picking from where we left last…The opportunity of being a “Parent Coach” was exciting…But it had its share of twists & Turns…Today I share with you…some crucial connects & decisions that were taken so that this opportunity could be put to its BEST usage 🙂 Continue reading Every journey has its own Twists & Turns

LIFE– the Greatest of all Teachers.

Life is a fabulous teacher and we all are its students. Be it you or me, we are constantly learning, from LIFE through the relations, that are a part of our journey. Friends and/or relatives, situations and/or experiences – Everything is like a THREAD in the WEB of LEARNING & TESTING in this JOURNEY of LIFE !!!

Today I share with you some CONNECTS of MY ASSOCIATIONS with LIFE Time for a NEW Realization… Continue reading LIFE– the Greatest of all Teachers.

Opportunities KNOCK !!!

“When opportunity knocks on your door, always be willing to take a chance, because you never know how perfect something could turn out to be.”

My THOUGHTS are concealed in these WORDS…and I would rather like to put it as…OPPORTUNITIES can gift us many Valuable Memories to SMILE 🙂 Today I share with you an OPPORTUNITY that OPEN the DOORS to WONDERS galore 🙂 Continue reading Opportunities KNOCK !!!

Catch 22 Situations :)

Today I share with you some experiences of a NEW JOURNEY that lead me to this THOUGHT of sharing with you my CONNECTS of LIFE.I call them the “CATCH 22” situations…

Join ME as we LEARN about these… Continue reading Catch 22 Situations 🙂

“New Beginnings” – International Parent Coaching Program (IPCP)

If you are a DREAMER…You will Connect to the reality that DREAMS do come true…if we have the patience & the perseverance to overcome any obstacles that might block our path…Life is all about “New Beginnings”

With these thoughts…I share with my connects of a JOURNEY that was just a THOUGHT in my mind…But with perseverance & Patience…It is now a REALITY !!!

Continue reading “New Beginnings” – International Parent Coaching Program (IPCP)