Perfectly Precious Gift !

Perfect Gifts are Precious to us – Because they make us SMILE – But is every GIFT “Perfectly Precious” – Today post is all about the strategies that make it possible for us to be a receiver of PERFECT GIFTS all through LIFE.

Continue reading Perfectly Precious Gift !

The Empty Nest Syndrome – New Innings :)

I am not a cricket fan – but somehow the word “Innings” has always attracted me and if you were to search its meaning on Google – You might too approach it with a little extra respect for it simply means – “A period during which a person or group is active or effective.”

Now you all must be wondering – What has “Innings” got to do with the  “Empty Nest Syndrome.”  Continue reading The Empty Nest Syndrome – New Innings 🙂

“Discover Yourself”

Discover Yourself in the CROWD…For it is only then will you BE PROUD of your EXISTENCE…The ADVICE is received…But do we CARE enough to really DISCOVER ourselves…

Today, let us do a REALITY CHECK…and then may be we will KNOW where we actually belong… Continue reading “Discover Yourself”