Mission Accomplished

On the occasion of World Environment day…Sharing with you my story of Inspirations & Reflections…Read through these words…and should you find yourself in sync with them…You have found a member of your tribe in ME 🙂 Continue reading Mission Accomplished

BE the CHANGE – WED 2018

As we LOOK forward to GRAND CELEBRATIONS of the World Environment Day…It is a moment of PRIDE for INDIANS as India is the global host of 2018 World Environment Day which will take place on June 5, 2018.

With India being the host for the event…I believe it is a DUTY of every Indian to HONOR this RESPONSIBILITY jointly & Do their BEST to support the CAUSE and take it as a CALLING…that will benefit the future generations.

Before I step further… a few statistics…to make you want to be a part of this BIG CAUSE…Come JOIN ME… Continue reading BE the CHANGE – WED 2018

Brave Effort – 52/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Today I confidently announce my Triumph…I have finally achieved my GOAL…This is my 52nd Post – The journey comes to an END…But as it ENDS…It brings with itself a NEW BEGINNING…Refreshing & Uplifting like a LEAF on the TREE.

Without further adieu…I share with you this last & the most crucial lesson from Mother Nature… Continue reading Brave Effort – 52/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

Wanderlust :) – 7/52 Weekly Photo Journal

“The Tech Smarty world is your playground” – These words seemed to have captured our minds…but what about the heart – Does it feel safe in this world – Not really 😦 Continue reading Wanderlust 🙂 – 7/52 Weekly Photo Journal

“Connecting People to Nature”

Since the beginning of TIME, Mother Nature has spread her arms and bestowed upon us HER Blessings galore…WONDERS are SPREAD all over..if we care to SEE…we will find BEAUTY in the smallest of things…

Today I pay tribute to the Awe inspiring POWER of Mother Nature…and set myself on a NEW ADVENTURE of MEMORIES galore….

Continue reading “Connecting People to Nature”