Broaden your Horizons – 28/52- Weekly Photo Journal

“We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon”

Konrad Adenauer quoted these words…and as I read – I realized the REALITY associated with it. If we all live under the same BLUE SKY & we all are fortunate to see the same SUN & MOON – Why do our HORIZONS differ…What affects our HORIZONS…The question made its presence in my mind…and here are the answers I received –  Indeed the experience – can be described in one word – “AHA”

Today – I share with you some of my “AHA moments” – Come join me in my Moments of Bliss & as you walk through – You are sure to discover & reflect upon some of your Blissful connects. Continue reading Broaden your Horizons – 28/52- Weekly Photo Journal

High Spirits – 25/52 – Weekly Photo Journal

With the climate at its BEST in DUBAI during this time of the year – Morning walks are a preferred choice for many including me. We look forward to these days of Pleasurable Steps…when the cold breeze blowing on our faces refreshes the soul…and as the sky gets painted by the legendary painter himself – One feels honored to have started the day with this CHOICE 🙂

Today I take you on yet another quest that introduced me to the IMPORTANCE of some  BEAUTIES that are found in abundance where I stay. Continue reading High Spirits – 25/52 – Weekly Photo Journal